Every legislative candidate received a survey from Students for Life, the political arm of Right to Life. Had I completed the survey with all the “right answers,” I would have received their endorsement, as my opponent did. 

I did not. 

I have been very clear from the beginning: I am a pro-lifer, not an amateur-lifer. I want to end abortion, not regulate it. My opponent voted against Amendment #76/Protection of Life, which would have protected Hoosier babies from the moment of fertilization. Apparently that is an acceptable vote for Right to Life.

I did not complete the survey because of Question 11:

11.  Students for Life Action asserts that, for a variety of reasons including our commitment to helping women choose life with our loving support, our legislation should avoid placing criminal penalties on mothers procuring abortions as they are victims of the predatory abortion industry targeting them for profits, and often, secondary victims of the lie that a baby in the womb is not human life. Do you agree with this stance? 

Right to Life is asking oath-of-office-takers to “avoid placing criminal penalties on mothers procuring abortions.”

Right to Life is conflating compromise with compassion by asserting that the abortion industry’s crime against the mother justifies her crime against her child. We would never apply this standard after birth, so why should we apply it before?

I’m not going to stand before God and explain to Him that by the 2024 primaries, maternal victimhood had made “thou shalt not murder” obsolete. 

So for everyone asking why Right to Life has not endorsed me, here is my response: I will not compromise to obtain an endorsement. Preborn children are human, murdering humans is wrong, and legislators must ensure that no person is denied equal protection or deprived of life without due process of law. 

If a legislator is willing to compromise on murder penalties to protect a victim group (abortion-minded mothers), where will that compromise end? Why would a pro-life organization want to “enact limits on abortion” instead of “end abortion”?

Remember folks, all power is inherent in the people. What kind of representation do you want? Indiana is at a crossroads, and I’m asking for your vote on May 7.

Together we can save babies’ lives and win for liberty.

For life,
Cindi Hajicek
H49 Candidate